



the muse collectives

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Welcome! We are The Muse Collectives and we're so excited to connect with you!

"Literally the best decision of my life-I'm not exaggerating. Opened my eyes to so much and what's truly out there."

Nick Brown  |  @sylashaven

"I was pushed out of my comfort zone in a positive way. It really lit a fire under me and gave me a drive that I wouldn't of had otherwise."

kween  |  @prodbykween

"I had a transformative experience. I came in with experience in music but not knowing what all I could do with it. Now I have a lot more confidence and am really excited about the upcoming music I'll be releasing in genres I've never tried before. I regained my integrity as an artist at The Summit."

Bel holiday |  @belholiday.mp444

"The Summit forever changed my life. As a 35-year-old woman with two kids, I was skeptical about coming. What's incredible about this event is everyone who attends is focused on making music...

Casey Urban  |  @caseyurban

continued "The organizers even considered my sleeping arrangements and kept me in a quiet part of the house, even though I ended up making music until 3am anyway because I was so inspired! If you are on the fence about this retreat, know that the only option is to sign up TODAY!"

Casey Urban  |  @caseyurban

"I never thought I'd give another retreat a chance. But I convinced myself it would be beneficial, and I'm glad I went through with it. I met a lot of great, like-minded artists that want it just as much as the next person. The experience & knowledge gained from this {Memphis} retreat was invaluable!"

Jose rosado |  @thisisexpjose

merchandise • houseing provided • networking • mixing & mastering • live performances • free beats • free features • workshops • one week • 

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